вторник, 31 января 2017 г.

Module 5

Nowdays, our world is very developed. Moreover, day by day We have diffent new things, that can make our life easier and better. 

For example, nanobots. This is the right thing in medicine. They are not very popular now, but I think, that they will be in great demand very soon.
Scientists created a microscopic robot that can crowl along molecules of DNA. Robots, called nano-spiders are made of DNA molecules also. They can make decisions and move automatically, but it's not enough for a real surgery, because robots need to be better and nano-spiders need to have more options. Scientists try to develop nano-surgeons. One day, people could live their lives with miniature robot surgeons patrolling and protecting the insides of their bodies. Spider a great fighter with a cancer.

Also, we have very usual things. For example, refrigerator. Howewer, for some people it's like treasure.
Have you ever heard about the "fridge lady"? Emily was a child, when she developed a portable, ECO-friendly refrigerator that have the potential to help thousands of people in developing countries! The idea is that the fridge is made of 2 cylinders, one inside the other, and water between them. So, in a nutshell, she invented an ingenious thing that really helped and became famous in poor areas of Africa.

But how we do know all this? It's our amazing brain.
Your brain is an amazing organ.
He controls your other organs,regulates pleasure and pain,hunger and thirst,blood pressure and body temperature, but it also plays a huge role in determining your personal identity through thoughts,memories and emotions. Also,you have two hemispheres and scientists think that they control different abilities and behaviors.

Our world is developing very fast, and soon we will have a lot of new.

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