вторник, 15 ноября 2016 г.


From: Svetlana Vyshivanova
To: Director
Subject: place for hosital
Date: 16 november, 2016

The aim of this report is to offer a good place for children's hospital.

Firstly, it should be very clear city. When child lives in dirty city, he feel sick more. As for me, the cleanest city in Weles is Bangor. You may choose any city, because a lot of them are clean. Bangor largely surrounded to the South by Bangor mountain, and it's mean clear air.

Secondly, place in the city. I suggest to build hospital near forest, because it's clear air too, but also beautiful landscapes. I offer "Snowdonia". It's big national park, where children can walk and spend their time, when they ill.

To sum up, in my opinion, "Snowdonia" in Bangor - very comfortable and clear place, and children will be very happy there. 

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