понедельник, 20 октября 2014 г.

Task 2

My hobby.

Hello!My name is Sasha.I think,I very activity girl.I woud like to tell you abaut  my hoby.I laik danceng,drowing and playing at the theatr.
Bat sport is my favorite hobby.When I was a child my parents taugt me to swim,to skip and play valeybol.Every wekends we go to the pol or rink.When I have some fre time I take a brush and creat.Thaks my parents because they support me all over.I really hope you've enjoed riading my wok.

Correct all the mistakes

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  1. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  2. Hello!My name is Sasha.I think,I`m very ACTIVE girl.I woud like to tell you abOut my hobBy.I like dancIng,drowing and playing at the theatrE.
    BUt sport is my favoUrite hobby.When I was a child my parents taugt me to swim,to skip and play vOlLeybAlL.Every weEkend we go to the poOl or rink.When I have some freE time I take a brush and creat.Thaks my parents because they support me all over.I really hope you've enjoyed reading my work.
