воскресенье, 30 октября 2016 г.


Sport is very important part in our life. Nowdays, a lot of people do sports and make it better day by day. We need to exercise from early childhood. Therefore, the government needs to pay all the sports equipment in schools.

Firstly, encourages students to take up sports. When you see new sports equipment, It prompts you to do something athletic.

Secondly, it's allows students to form school teams. When you and your friends together, it's make a team spirit, and it's very cool and brings you even more.

On the other hand, the money can be spent on other things. For example, textbooks or food.

in conclusion, we must choose what we want to do sports or to read, and anyway, it's your life.

вторник, 25 октября 2016 г.

Exotic pets

A lot of people in out world has dog or cat. Also, it maybe parrot, hamster or goldfish. But some people want exotic,and buy weird pets from different countries.

I completely agree, that people shouldn't be allowed to keep exotic pets.
Firstly, some exotic pets are dangerous. If it's beatiful snake, which was brought uncle from Australia in bag.. It's not very cute. She can to strangle or bite you, and you will die in 3 seconds. Or you will die painfully. Nothing good.

Secondly, they can be expensive to keep.
Okey, if You bought pet, what will you do with him? You need to buy food, bed for him (or cage) , toys. It's very expensive. Also, you must know how to care about him, because it's not just turtle in box.

On the other hand, some axotic pets are really cute, and a lot of people are envy, that You decided to take such a responsibility.

In conclusion, it depends on the person, how to live, what kind of animal he should buy, but we must be responsible for those who tamed. 

вторник, 18 октября 2016 г.

An opinion essay

Sport. It's very important part in life for a lot of people. It was important long time ago, and what happend now? All young people should take part in sport. Why?

Firstly, it's very good for health. That said not ordinary people without education, it's scientifically proven fact. Scientists male a lot of experiments, when was two men, one of them do sport, and he was in better form that another man.

Secondly, sport makes you better not only physically, but also spiritually. You could study team work, keep calm yourself, when you doing something hard. Also, sport - the best method for control your body.

On the other hand, it's could be very traumatic.

In conclusion, everyone should try everything, without other people's opinions. Just to try and understand themself. 

вторник, 11 октября 2016 г.

Informal letter

                                                                                                                            Chelyabinsk, Russia
                                                                                                                             12 october, 2016

   Dear Ben,

Thank you for your letter! I feel so embarrassed, because couldn't answer earlier.

It's so sad, that you moved from your friends, but you may write them letters. And, of course, you always may find a new friends.

I love my school so much. It's my second house. I love my teachers and classmates. They are my best friends and I can tell them all, and talk about anything. We are spending time seven days a week. Go to theaters, ice rink, and other places. We always travel together. They are amazing.

Where do you go for walks in your new place? And what attractions are there?